Sunday, November 22, 2009

Linda's 50th Birthday Celebration

We pulled off an awesome surprise party for Linda's 50th Birthday. She had absolutley no idea and

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Linda Lou's Fab 50th Surprise B-day!

Proving 50 is the new 25 ~ Hahaha!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pink Ribboned Pony Tails

Pink Ribboned Pony Tails, originally uploaded by Anna~Banana.

Every Girl Looks Good in a Pink Ribbon; Every Girl Needs A Mammogram©
honoring the memories of our sisters who have gone before us; encouraging sisters whose strength empowers us; thanking the countless supporters in this battle ~ like our sisters who donate their pony tails to make wigs for cancer patients

This photo has been entered into a contest on the "Click One to Give" Breast Cancer Site:

If you would like to vote for "our photo" or others .... Please GO TO the Photo Vote Link ... Thank you!!


Thursday, October 1, 2009

5000 Flickr Visitors ~ Thank you!

Flickr Site ~ 5000 Vistors ~ Celebration!!

Thank you so much for your visits; especially your comments and constructive critiques.
Have benefited & been blessed by all of you.... am so very grateful for each & everyone of you, my dear Flickr Friends!!

Sending out luv ~ to you all ~ that make up our wonderful Flickr Village!!!

My best to you & yours, Anna

Monday, April 27, 2009

First Windows Movie Maker Video.....

Needed to learn how to use Windows Movie Maker for a work project. So using photos I had on hand, dove right in and this is the result...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Photography News

Dear ones,
As many of you know, I started taking photos last year (3/08) as a way to see if I could push myself to recover from the remaining neurological effects of a head injury/TBI sustained in a car accident (11/07). Thank God that passed & was quickly able to start having a lot of fun with this new medium.

This message is intended to do two things:
1) let you know I have put together a collection of some of my better photos and posted them for sale on; you can search for me by: anne mccrary, or use the links below.

Please forgive this Procter & Gamble style ad; this is not a solicitation for you to buy anything, rather just letting you ‘in’ on this exciting new chapter just as the page is being turned; a show & tell, if you will…..
Here is my Imagekind.Profile:
Which links you to my Gallery page:

2) Want to publicly thank my very generous & gracious photography mentors & friends Betty & Bruce Ashle. What fun times we’ve had snapping away & giggling too!
Also want to thank Steve Guererro, who let me borrow his uber-fab camera for a test drive; provides on-going guidance and council, which is invaluable!

And ~ also ~ thank all of my family and friends who have encouraged me during the past year both in the physiological & spiritual recovery from the car accident; as well as along this photography journey ~ what fun & this is just the beginning!
So, really, if these photos ‘stink’ it’s their fault ~ ‘cause they say they are all good….ha ha ha…LOL.

Seriously, do let me know what you think, as this is now officially a Customer Service business. :D

And…. if this self-serving nonsense of a show & tell just isn’t enough for you ~ more of my snaps are located here:

Thank you my dear friends for your indulgence & especially your much appreciated encouragement! xoxo, Anne